JetRacer: Optimierung der Streckenführung

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Abb. 1: JetRacer AI Pro von Waveshare

Autor: Arfat Kamal
Art: Projektatbeitarbeit
Geplanter Start: TBD
Betreuer: Prof. Schneider


  1. Einarbeitung in das bestehende Framwework
  2. Optimierung der KI für den Rundkurs im Labor Autonome Systeme (Geschwindigkeit, Robustheit).
  3. Nutzung von MATLAB zum Anlernen des Jetson Nano.
  4. Nutzung von ROS2 zum Anlernen des Jetson Nano.
  5. Bewertung der Vor- und Nachteile der Programmierungebungen.
  6. Dokumentation nach wissenschaftlichem Stand im HSHL-Wiki

Anforderungen an die wissenschaftliche Arbeit


Getting started

Lesen Sie zum Einstieg diesen Artikel
Siddiquy, T.: Automated lane following of a Waveshare JetRacer with artificial intelligence. Bachelorarbeit


Familiarization with the existing Framework

Connecting the Jetracer

To be familiarized with the existing framework, JetRacer: Teach-In Tutorial was followed. Inside the Teach-In Tutorial, another link from Waveshare can be found, which provides a detailed guide to run and train the Jetracer. In addition to these, I am writing some personal remarks that I think would be helpful.

When connecting to the Jetracer from PC for the first time, the default IP is used, which is It is essential that the Jetracer is connected to the PC via USB during this procedure. Otherwise it will not be connected.

After we follow all the steps and successfully connect the Jetracer to PC, we get a new IP for the Jetracer. Once we get this, we can just dierectly connect to the Jetracer using that. But sometimes the IP changes randomly. So far I have seen '20', '21' and '25' for the last digit. So if there is trouble with the connetion, it is advisable to check the IP which is shown on the small OLED display of Jetracer like the figure below.

Fig. 1: IP on OLED of the Jetracer

Training the Jetracer

The jetracer is trained using the 'interactive_regression.ipynb' file, which is available inside /jetracer/notebooks. We just need to open the file inside JupyterLab and run all cells. The last program will display the following interface like Figure 2.

Fig. 2: Camera Interface