Lane Keeping with AI

Aus HSHL Mechatronik
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Abb. 1: Syncronous recording of video an steering angle
Autor: Moye Nyuysoni Glein Perry
Art: Project Work
Starttermin: 14.11.2024
Abgabetermin: 31.03.2025
Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Schneider


  1. Teach a AI to drive in the right lane.
  2. Use the Video data here.
  3. Use the recorded steering angle here.
  4. The data can be visualized with zeigeMessdaten.m (see Abb. 2).
  5. Verify the results with Rundkurs01.avi and Rundkurs02.avi.
  6. Discuss your results with Prof. Schneider

Understanding Lane Keeping

            Lane-keeping refers to the ability of a vehicle to detect and maintain its position within a designated lane on the road. It is a critical function for autonomous driving, helping to enhance road safety and reduce driver workload.Our target location is the mechatronics lab  at HSHl. below are videos recorded using videos from a JetRacer

Visualized Data of Rundkurs03

Visualized Data of Rundkurs04

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