Smart Soil pH Monitoring and Prediction Using IoT Data Visualization

Aus HSHL Mechatronik
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Fig. 1: Smart Soil pH Monitoring
Autor: Qamar Sajjad
Art: Bachelorarbeit/bachelor thesis
Starttermin: TBD
Abgabetermin: TBD
Betreuer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Schneider


Task List

  1. Set up requirements for the system
  2. Research on feasible Soft- and Hardware
  3. Evaluation of the solutions using a morphological box (Zwicky box)
  4. Procurement of the most promising hardware
  5. Assembly of a prototype (incl. 3D-Print of parts)
  6. Testing due to the requirements (module & system test)
  7. Evaluate the results based on technical features
  8. Discussion of the results
  9. Testing of the system requirements - proof of functionality
  10. Scientific documentation as a wiki article with an animated gif

Knowledge Requirements

The project requires prior knowledge in some but not all of the following subject areas. If you do not meet the requirements, the task can be individually adapted based on your previous knowledge.

  • Model making (e.g. woodworking, metalworking, CAD, 3D printing)
  • MATLAB®/Simulink
  • Arduino Programming
  • IoT data visualization
  • Document versioning with SVN
  • Documentation with Word and in the HSHL Wiki.

Requirements for scientific work

SVN Repository

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