Diskussion:JetRacer: Autonomous Driving, Obstacle Detection and Avoidance using AI with MATLAB

Aus HSHL Mechatronik
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Task: Weekly Progress Report

Write down, what you did and what you want to do next week. Diskuss this in the weekly meeting with Prof. Schneider

# date plan for the next week work progress
1 20.01.2025
  • Dokument you progress in the article.
  • Plan you task as a gantt-chart and discuss it with Prof. Schneider
  • time report in Sciebo
  • next steps:
  • The steering angle ranges from -20°..20° (1..-1).
  • The normalized steering range 1..-1 has the wrong sign.
  • A left curve has an steering angle of 2° (-0.1).
  • A richt curve has an steering angle of -2° (0.1).
  • Programm the controller that you cann add small steering angles by pressing a button. One Button für straight, left -0.05, right +0.05.
2 22.01.2025

Dokument you progress in the article!

  1. Record the video while driving in best quality and process it with MATLAB®.
  2. Rectify the video with MATLAB® camera calibration app.
  3. Convert the video to different formats and teach the CNN. What works best?
  4. Optimize the steering - smooth steering
    1. approach 1: press button
    2. approach 2: use old RC-Controller potentiometer

Meeting with Mr. Christopher Beck

  • The approach with steering angle and video is promissing.
  • Research different input data. How can the algorithm learn best?
  • RGB, Gray, BW, Canny-Edge, ROI, Birdeyeview
  • Teach the CNN with more data.
  • Find out the best modell with [1]
3 23.01.2025

Dokument you progress in the article!

  • Calibrate the camera over the whole field of view.
  • Test the calibration with the checkmate on the ground.
  • Measure height and pitch angle of the camera.
  • Use Messdaten2MAT.m to convert the steering_values.csv to a mat-file.
  • Display the video, the input steering angle and the CNN steering angle with zeigeMessdaten.m. A red circle or vertical line visualizes the time frame in the data.