Task: Weekly Progress Report
Write down, what you did and what you want to do next week. Diskuss this in the weekly meeting with Prof. Schneider
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date |
plan for the next week |
work progress
1 |
20.01.2025 |
- Dokument you progress in the article.
- Plan you task as a gantt-chart and discuss it with Prof. Schneider
- time report in Sciebo
- next steps:
- The steering angle ranges from -20°..20° (1..-1).
- The normalized steering range 1..-1 has the wrong sign.
- A left curve has an steering angle of 2° (-0.1).
- A richt curve has an steering angle of -2° (0.1).
- Programm the controller that you cann add small steering angles by pressing a button. One Button für straight, left -0.05, right +0.05.
2 |
22.01.2025 |
Dokument you progress in the article!
- Record the video while driving in best quality and process it with MATLAB®.
- Rectify the video with MATLAB® camera calibration app.
- Convert the video to different formats and teach the CNN. What works best?
- Optimize the steering - smooth steering
- approach 1: press button
- approach 2: use old RC-Controller potentiometer
Meeting with Mr. Christopher Beck
- The approach with steering angle and video is promissing.
- Research different input data. How can the algorithm learn best?
- RGB, Gray, BW, Canny-Edge, ROI, Birdeyeview
- Teach the CNN with more data.
- Find out the best modell with [1]
3 |
23.01.2025 |
Dokument you progress in the article!
- Calibrate the camera over the whole field of view.
- Test the calibration with the checkmate on the ground.
- Measure height and pitch angle of the camera.
- Use
Messdaten2MAT.m to convert the steering_values.csv to a mat-file.
- Display the video, the input steering angle and the CNN steering angle with
zeigeMessdaten.m . A red circle or vertical line visualizes the time frame in the data.
- Succesffully recorded the driving with the best driving quality with approach .1(driving by incrementation)
- calibrated the camera with the camera calibration App.
- Used checkmate on the ground to test the camera calibration parametters aswell as using grides(vertical lines + horizontal lines)
- Teach the CNN with more data.
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28.01.2025 |
Dokument you progress in the article!
- Camera height: ~14cm, pith angle: ~20° Read the exact values from the calibration with a flat checkmate image.
- Record the video while driving in best quality and process it with MATLAB®.
- Save it in SVN as YYMMDD_Circuit_rgb.mp3 or avi.
- Transform it with MATLAB® to
- _rgb_rect.mp4
- _gray.mp4
- _gray_rect.mp4
- _bw.mp4
- _bw_rect.mp4
- _CannyEdge_rect.mp4
- _BirdEye_rect.mp4 Tutorial: SoSe24_-_Praktikum_Systementwurf_-_Inverse_Perspektiventransformation_(IPT)
- Save the data to SVN.
- Teach the AI with these videos seperately. What Input gives the best results?
- What are the best AI parameters?
- Is the steering angle input smooth and not bouncing?
- Succesfully saves video on Svn as mentioned
- Transformed the video from avi to (_rgb_rect.mp4. _gray.mp4, _gray_rect.mp4, _bw.mp4, _bw_rect.mp4, _CannyEdge_rect.mp4 and _BirdEye_rect.mp4)
- Saved data to SVN
- Configured different parametters to teach the AI with these videos seperately to determine the best resault
5 |
03.02.2025 |
Dokument you progress in the article!
- Wrote to professor to reschedule our weekly meeting.
- Still working on AI training task with different parameters
- Follow the tasks above: First record the video in best quality @30fps (e.g. 3280x2464 pixel) and then convert the video to AI Video formats. Steer in 0,05° steps.
- Succesfully transformed the video from avi uncompressed to (_rgb_rect.mp4. _gray.mp4, _gray_rect.mp4, _bw.mp4, _bw_rect.mp4, _CannyEdge_rect.mp4 and _BirdEye_rect.mp4)
- Saved data to SVN
- Configured different parametters to teach the AI with these videos seperately to determine the best resault
6 |
10.02.2025 |
- Teach the AI with these videos seperately. What Input gives the best results?
- What are the best AI parameters?
- Is the steering angle input smooth and not bouncing?
- Teaching the model with different parameters
- Finetuning Pretrained model(Resnet-18)
- LSTM(Long Short-Term Memory)
- Reinforcement Learning
- Transfer Learning
7 |
17.02.2025 |
- Object detection and Object tracking algorithm
- Implement a maneuvring movement of the jetracer to switch between lanes
Please document your progress at least once a week.
8 |
25.02.2025 |
- Student is stuck with the AI-teaching - Task: make appointment with Mr. Beck, present the results and ask for a hint.
- Student wants to implement a classic image processing based Lane Following algorithm. We discussed the necessary steps and Prof. Schneider offered to provide a framework.
- Student has to send a SVN-link of the input video and the camera calibration file (*.mat) to Prof. Schneider.
Please document your progress at least once a week.