MATLAB Executable aus GUI erstellen

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  1. Stellen Sie sicher, dass MATLAB Compiler und ein unterstützter C Compiler installiert sind.
  2. Geben Sie den Befehl mbuild -setup ein und wählen Sie Ihren C Compiler aus.
 >> mbuild -setup
 MBUILD configured to use 'Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 (C)' for C language compilation.
 To choose a different language, select one from the following:
  mex -setup C++ -client MBUILD 
  mex -setup FORTRAN -client MBUILD
  1. Geben Sie deploytool in das Command Window ein.
 >> deploytool

3. Wählen Sie

   Make sure you have MATLAB Compiler and a supported C compiler
   Run the command mbuild -setup to select your C compiler
   Enter deploytool to open the deployment tool window; create a new project at the prompt
   Under the "build" tab, click the links "add main file" and "add files/directory" and add your MATLAB GUI code files (and data files, if necessary)
   Click the "build" button.
  • Run the command mbuild -setup to select your C compiler
   Enter deploytool to open the deployment tool window; create a new project at the prompt
   Under the "build" tab, click the links "add main file" and "add files/directory" and add your MATLAB GUI code files (and data files, if necessary)
   Click the "build" button.

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