Diskussion:JetRacer: Spurführung mit künstlicher Intelligenz

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# Termin Planung für die Woche Fortschritt
1 12.06.2024- 19.06.2024
  • Safety briefing for Marc Ebmeyer's laboratories
  • Familiarization with the existing frame work
  • Familiarize with the existing system using the wiki article. Gantt chart
  • Handing over the keys to Marc Ebmeyer's laboratories
  • Make Research on the topic
  • Draft a timeline for the project.
2 20.06.2024-26.06.2024
  • Build the Jetracer
  • Setup and Flash Nvidia OS
  • Connect JetRacer to local WLAN
  • Setup Headless control of jetracer
  • Errors and Crashes on the OS (details on Errors and solutions)
  • Find the optimal OS for the jet racer
  • Optimization of the AI for the circuit, the controller (e.g. PD controller) in the laboratory Autonomous systems (speed, robustness).
3 26.06.2024 - 05.07.2024
  • Fixing, debuging errors and testing different Flashversions of the JetRacer
  • Teach the JetRacer automated driving
  • Steering JetRacer with Gamepad
  • Teaching Jetracer interactive_regression
  • Make Research on Matlab, Deep learning and ROS
  • Document Errors
4 05.07.2024 - 26.07.2024
  • Link Jetracer to MATLAB
  • Install prerequisite for the jetracer like: Cudnn, TensorRT
  • programme Jetracer using MATLAB:
  1. Image recognition
  2. Line following

  • Document Errors
  • Speak with other student working on Autonome Spurführung mit einem JetRacer ROS AI Robot
  • Update the Professor by Email for Feedback
6 29.07.2024 -
  • Programme Jetracer using ROS2
  • Evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the programming environments.

Dokumentieren Sie bitte hier Ihren Fortschritt.

Errors and Solutions

# Dates Error Descriptions Solutions
1 12.06.2024- 05.07.2024
  • Build the Jetracer
  • Setup Integrated Nvidia OS
  • Connect JetRacer to local WLAN
  • Setup Headless control of jetracer
  • Teach the JetRacer automated driving
  • Steering JetRacer with Gamepad
  • Teaching Jetracer interactive_regression
  • Testing different Flashversions of the JetRacer

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 * jetbot-043_nano-4gb-jp45.zip
  1. Warning!! this is for Jetbot, not Jetracer.
  2. Jetracer cannot detect SD-card
  3. Connot lunch Nvidia OS because HMI Screen always dark and Jetson Nano turns on but doesn’t boot

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 * jetson-nano-jp461-sd-card-image.zip(Jetson-nano developer kit)
  1. No build in Jetracer packages like: basic_motion, teleoperation, road_following etc
  2. Incompatible with Jetracer and gives error : jetson nano Adafruit-Blinka requires Python '>=3.7.0' but the running Python is 3.6.9
  3. Incompatible with Jetracer and gives error :No matching distribution found for Adafruit-Blinka>=7.0.0 (from adafruit-circuitpython-servokit)
  4. Cannot run "sudo nvpmodel -m1" and shows nvpmodel not found ||

 * jetcard_nano-4gb-jp451.zip (Jetpack4.5.1)
  1. Working but no build in Jetracer packages like: teleoperation, road_following etc
  2. Solution is to use github repository: https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/jetracer to clone the teleoperation, road_following etc
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 * jetrace.zip (Jetpack4.5)
  1. Incompatible with Jetracer and gives error :ValueError: No I2C device at address: 0x60 (error comes from step 5 of https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/JetRacer_AI_Kit. do not immplement it for pro versions )
  2. only interactive_regression package works with no error
  3. Solution is to use github repository: https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/jetracer to clone the basic_movement, teleoperation, road_following etc
  4. Can't connect to SSH header || Dokumentieren Sie bitte hier Ihren Fortschritt.
2 08.07.2024 - 02.08.2024
  • Research for resources and links on how to programme Jetracer using MATLAB/ROS2
  • programme Jetracer using MATLAB
  • Programme Jetracer using ROS2
  • Evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the programming environments.

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Dokumentieren Sie bitte hier Ihren Fortschritt.