Zusammenfassung Praxissemester Kamal
Schreiben Sie die folgenden Punkte in einen Unterartikel, der Zusammenfassend beschreibt, was Sie gemacht haben und was Sie im Praxissemester auch in Bezug auf Ihr Studium gelernt haben. Welche Kompetenzen konnten Sie weiter entwickeln?
In conclusion, a 3D model of a 4-Wheeled-Robot was made in Webots as the base model of the project. The model was created following the tutorials in Cyberbotics website. That model was simulated inside Webots using simple C code, which was already given along with the tutorial. That model was exported in Ubuntu to simulate with ROS2. It was modified twice, once for avoiding obstacles with IR and once for avoiding obstacles with Sonar. To program the robots with ROS2, packages were made inside the main package 'webots_ros2_alphabot'. For programming the robot, Python was used as the programming language. Because ROS2 supports Python and C++, and I personally preferred Python because of its simplicity.
For the next step, Lidar sensor can be added to the 3D model for scanning the surrounding. So it can be used for Localization and Mapping. SLAM can be used for these purposes. SLAM is a ROS tool for these purposes and it is the short form of 'Simultaneous Localization and Mapping'. The 3D model can also be integrated with rviz, which is a powerful visualization tool for robotics.
→ zurück zum Hauptartikel: Modellsimulation in Webots und Simulationen mit ROS2