Diskussion:Praxissemester: Robotik und Autonome Systeme im WS24/25

Aus HSHL Mechatronik
Version vom 21. Oktober 2024, 09:03 Uhr von Yashodhan-vishvesh.deshpande@stud.hshl.de (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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# Termin Planung für die Folgewoche Fortschritt
1 23.09.2024
  • Begrüßung durch Marc Ebmeyer
  • Sicherheitseinweisung für die Labore
  • Schlüsselübergabe für die Labore
  • SVN/Wiki Zugang
  • Arbeitszeiten/Stundenzettel in Sciebo
2 23.09.2024 - 27.09.2024
  • Matlab coder onramp course and exersices
  • Matlab coder project: find relevent C programming library for converting image data into RGB data
  • Give RGB input to the matlab generated function
  • Display RGB values and give it as input to matlab generated function
  • Matlab coder onramp course certificate pdf
  • Raw RGB image data produced successfully using stb_image.h header file
  • Solved errors regarding integrating stb_image.h image code and matlab gernation code
  • Could print raw rgb values of every pixel on concole, research regarding stackover flow issue
3 30.09.2024 - 04.10.2024
  • Matlab coder project : solve error regarding stack size full and move data to heap using dynamic memory allocation
  • Solidworks RC car holder : Concept and Initial design with part file measurements
  • Design the inner frame of the RC holderwith variable thickness and equal thickness
  • Solved initial error of stack size full and used dynamic memory allocation to move data to heap, encountered new error hmpalert.pdb file not found
  • Design of RC car rack frame with included features like relations, variables, equations and referance geometry
  • Designed inner frame successfully with variable thickness and solved the issue of blue lines in sketch
  • Solved the error of hmpaleart file not found and stck overflow issue, changes to checkCrosswalk.c.
4 7.10.2024 - 11.10.2024
  • Design the base for the RC car holder with 12mm thickness to minimize torque
  • Visual studio setup and learning visual studio IDE tutorials
  • Solidworks RC car holder project: design side holders, fill base, fillet the edges
  • Designed the base with 12 mm width to counter torque, but encountered some critical errors regarding the design measurements
  • Due to multiple interlinked complex erros encountered in previous design of the base, it was concluded a better method had to be adopted, used swept boss base to design the base with various planes
  • Designed supporting trusses to stabilize the structure, added fillets for the design
  • Visual studio setup and learning visual studio IDE tutorials course completion, certificate achieved.
  • Designed the side holders, holes through the pushing knob, fillet the critical edges, boss extruded the base fillers
5 14.10.2024 - 18.10.2024
  • Solidworks project : creating fillets and solving minor errors relating to dimensioning
  • prepare the model for 3D printing
  • review of the printed 3D models with Herr Ebmeyer , disussed to increase the dimensions of the mode, create support structures .
  • designed the side holders, holes through the pushing knob, fillet the critical edges, boss extruded the base fillers
  • Prepared the finished product for 3 D printing, upon advice of Herr Ebmeyer split the model into 2 parts using split tool in solidworks, created a lego block joint to join them in practical, prepared STL file and started 3 D printing.
  • Dimensions of the length height and width of the model changed, created circular support structures on the corners of the model, restructured the pressing part to the width of the thumb, solved fillet errors in the pressing part, learning to use other fillet options.